Monday, September 2, 2013

Haven't disappeared

I just haven't had too many exciting things to share.

I'm moving forward with getting the MSW student in a couple of weeks. With that responsibility, also involves me stepping up my LMSW game. I've been studying like crazy lately for that. I also signed up to take a one day "boot camp" class in the beginning of October, and also purchased the study guide which seems pretty helpful so far (Now just need to make the time to sit down and read it!).

I feel fortunate that I do have a lot of down time at work which will allow me to study a bit for my exam.

The practice tests I've taken so far, have showed I need to focus on all that theory and psychology basics stuff, since those are a lot of the answers I either do not remember, or end up getting wrong.

I also have to learn what exactly the question is asking, and remember the role of the social worker, too. (i.e. first meeting with client, the social worker should do this......).

I have been eh-ish with keeping up with the gym lately, but I did manage to go the other night late (who wants to get up super early anyways?) and I also did finally return back to my yoga mat yesterday morning after taking the whole summer off.

It really made me miss being away for so long and I realized I NEED to make more of an effort to get back to my happy yoga place.

I can't believe the summer is winding down already.

What have you been up to lately?

Any exciting plans coming up this fall?


  1. Hi. A random stranger here... :) I was just reading that were you studying for the LMSW exam. First, good luck! Second, I'm not sure what test prep company you are using, but I wanted to throw out there a resource for you: The Therapist Development Center. It's a test prep company created by an actual LCSW and the site is current and teaches you more about test strategies vs a lot of social work content that you dont need. I purchased her material on July 15 and passed the first exam on Aug 17. I'm not sure you have 2 exams, but in CA we do. Anyway, thought I'd share that with you and wish you all the best. You'll do great! :)

  2. One exam here in NY. Unless I ever want to go on to get my LCSW which is doubtful. So far the resource I am using seems super helpful and was recommended by some other social workers, who like me, put off the test. This is what I am using:

    I also had a lovely person from Twitter send me her old practice exams too which has been great!
